OMG!!!!One Month Since i Updated
Haha Sorry guys.. not updating regularly.. so what has ahdee been doing? Other den slacking ... ahdee has been doing THE MOST hardest project in his entire NUS Life... The design Project...
Remember the "Energy Scavenging and Self Cleaning Tree"? Ya this sem we got to build the actual thing. Hmmm So alot of things ahdee and his grp members had to do... Ahdee had to do alot of EE stuff.. which was... EEEwwwuuuu.... alot of first time for ahdee on a lot of things that was done on the project. Luckily got those grp members... without these people... ahdee confirm died....
Presenting the finished product & the group members who worked so so hard :
Finally the Project's over. Thanks all for helping me with the information that i need... hehe .. couldn't have done it without you guys.... Hmmm I will try to update frequently from now on.. Hehe....