Videos of my design project
Okie.. as roy requested.... dunno if u all are interested but.. here are some videos of my project. Ahdee would also try to explain a little on what my project does.
So.. Some Basic Information about the thing that you all are seeing.
Title of my project: Energy Scavenging and Self Cleaning Tree
So basically what we are suppose to do is to come up with a design of a "tree" to tap into the vast amount of energy available around us. We have narrowed it to Solar and Wind Energy.
So... how are we going to do that?
Solar Energy: Of course would be using Photovoltaics Cells.. For our case, we are using a concentrator to focus the sun's beams to 500 times and focus it on a MultiJunction Cell (MJC). To achieve the 500 suns, we need to use a solar tracker to follow the sun, thats where ahdee comes in... haha... sucky part...
Wind Energy: Conventionally, people would use those wind farm thingy like those of the wind mills... But for us, we are using Piezo Films which are able to give us very very small energy. but we are using alot alot alot alot of leaves which we attach the piezo films to, in our "actual" product.
The second part of the product uses Ti02 which purifies the air, the dirt/pollutants gets stuck on the leaves when exposed to UV lights, then when rain falls... SWOSHhhhh the dirt disappears..
Video of the Top Stepper Motor.. Haha.. more video if ahdee manages to find more.. but hope that this is clear. Not very very clear la.. if u are interested to hear more, just let me know, ahdee will see if he can solve yr enquiries.
This project is sponsered by the Rotary Club of Suntec City. Which does alot to giving back to the communities by product designs aimed at improving the lifes of the public.