Games that ahdee are playing now
Haha Sorry for MIA-ing again... well... recently quite busy cos i formated my laptop without thinking then all the thinkpad stuff are gone from my ibm laptop... Slowly fixing everything back... but hei... at least now the laptop boots up faster. :P

Updates #1:
EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! Party time!!!
Haha.. playing Cabalsea these few days while downloading the softwares for my laptop. Anyone also got play? How about Viwawa?
Well... basically a 3D MMORPG as u can see.. the characters are quite cool. For ahdee, he is using a blader, basically someone who uses two swords. Its quite interesting if you have friends playing with you, but the servers are often pack on weekends so getting on the same servers might be a little difficult. Ahdee is now playing the first server Mercury, so if u are playing just add me lor... "Spearbluez"

Its a totally different genre of game from Cabal. Basically it has most of the games that we singaporean love, like mahjong (Wahjong in this case), Big 2 (daidee), Bridge and various other games. Its fun to play when you just wanna spend sometime and not install anything on your computer. Simply just register with them and click and you are all set to get your 13 wonders from Mahjong, or Full House from Big 2. The game also features gold coins that you earn that you can use to buy clothes for your wawa (avatar).
Haha... But remember... Dun play too much till you forgo your sleep wor... Exercise is also important. Dun just do finger exercises on your computer k.
P.S. Ahdee does not only stay at home to play game k. Check out Update 2 in the later post.