Eco Friendly Shredder Especially for Hamster Owners
Haha.. looking around idasia website i saw this shredder that is super cute, not cos of the design but the "power source" that's behind it.

This is someone's design for his industrial design project for his master degree. It takes 45 mins for the hamster to run the wheel for the paper to be shredded.
Haha. Well... As we move one step closer to the New Year, let me use this post to wish everyone a happy new year and also to bring about awareness for conserving the Earth's Energy. :)

This is someone's design for his industrial design project for his master degree. It takes 45 mins for the hamster to run the wheel for the paper to be shredded.
Haha. Well... As we move one step closer to the New Year, let me use this post to wish everyone a happy new year and also to bring about awareness for conserving the Earth's Energy. :)