Stress Stress Stress
Finally for ahdee, his HR video/presentation was over... Though he was quite nervous in the beginning but as soon as he went back to his laughing self, everything went okie towards the middle of the presentation.... Really gotta improve on his conversational skills especially if his dream of becoming a DJ would come true some day.
Today, Ahdee think that maybe he has offended someone by saying something wrong... well i'm sure ahdee's feeling really sorry ... seriously la... when ahdee stressed/tired, he will start talking rubbish and this sometimes hurts/offends ppl.. sorry ... Hmm guess ahdee just dun like the feeling of things being kept from him... feeling of being left out... though wq said that "The more you know, the earlier you die" but well can't help it if the rest of his peers all discussing something beside him.... those who know.. ahdee am someone who cannot help listen to ppl's conversation if they are near... cannot switch off unless he listen to music.....
Today's training wasn't that tough. Ahdee Got Wq to teach him heian Sandan. He roughly can remember the steps.. can't do the double block well always end up hitting his own hand...*ouch* Hmmm then today did all Kumite practice... Hmmm had to do lots of kicking which not say ahdee dun like but rather cos ahdee is not good at it. Somemore, ahdee's knee hurts.... everyone know how kpkb ahdee can get, though in the end he will still do his things but complaining is a must. Now ahdee's knee still hurts sia... maybe injured or strained it le... last time training too many kicks. or perhaps he was training it wrongly. Got pointed out by Denise that she saw that ahdee's back was hunching.. i guess its something. Ahdee really have to improve on that if he wanna do nice katas.
Stress Sia..... So many things happen today.... though ahdee like to talk about happy things that make u all laugh, but no choice complains are a package with the funny stuff. Exams are coming for Ahdee... He really must start le.. if not he will Die... and well though Once you learn to die, you learn to live... lets hope ahdee dun have to go thru that.
P.S. Those who find it weird reading the post... paiseh ahdee trying out 3rd person pt of view of writing... cos well it's ahdee's world....
Stay cheery ok!