Hmmm today ahdee woke up about the normal time, pack stuff as usual and reach bus stop at 7.48(normally 151 Express comes at 7.49 cos usually it will be late for a few mins from its actual 7.46 timing) But... till 8+ Express haven come... No choice ahdee has to take normal 151... somemore non-aircon de wor... Then the crazy idea pops into ahdee's head again.
Sitting in the middle of the last row of the bus... The idea of *Wheel of fortune* came to be... Ahdee was soon chanting "Come on... No flaggers" (those who dunno the game wheel of fortune... the ppl normally chant .. "come on Big money" .. So ahdee was playing the stupid wheel of fortune game in his head..... Then ahdee spun the wheel... and so suay it landed on lose a turn... (Jam in this case)... so many times lor... made ahdee late for his class for 15 mins.. so paiseh la.. no seats to sit when ahdee reached class... >.<

Ahdee was suppose to study but then in the end spent the afternoon helping his grp member check the report.. though ahdee never do much other than stare blankly and eat his fried rice from olive cove... Then his karate frens came... then we started chit chatting... bad ahdee... suppose to study lor... promised someone that u will study hard... *Piak Piak*

Today ahdee's karate lesson was coached by Yamada Sensei.. the funny sensei from Italy that speaks a little chinese.. and love to dance.... Favourite Quote : "Obligation" So training was fun with lots of pictures being taken... and sensei let ahdee and his fellow members see an old picture of him when he was young abt 30... Look so different that ahdee unknowingly took the magazine.. then look at magazine then at sensei... Immediately, everyone turn and look at ahdee.... Which then ahdee said.. "Hmm now look more handsome" then everyone laughed... >.< okie weird moment!>
Hmm other than all this.. ahdee getting a bit emo ... Hmm dunno why ahdee feel this way sia... Sometimes ahdee just dun like it when ppl dun show appreciation for things he do... ahdee needs lots of attention and recognition wor....
Minus the Emo stuff ahdee is feeling, on the happier note..Ahdee has decided that his mummy is the whole cutest mummy... Yup... simply because... she simply cries whenever anyone cries in front of her.... Hmmm no one can win that.... its faster than applying eye mo...
Enough nagging le la.... FOCUSSSSSS!!!!!