Some Big Shot Showed me the Middle Finger
Hmmm this happened during lunch, me and my friends were discussing about hand signs for numbers, you know each diff place have different for numbers 6 and above... So we were like explaining our different ones, and then our director came over and sat at our tables and then hearing what we were talking about, he smiled and then showed me the middle finger and asked me, do i know what this means.... Haha the whole table laughed.. then i told him... Yah... it means Good Morning and Have a Nice day.... (of course i was crapping) but it's quite funny.... the whole table laughed again....
There you have it, my director pointed third finger to me and i told him something crappy.... Once again show the power distance in denmark and singapore is totally different. Cant imagine doing it in Singapore... lol.. Can you???????
Anyway got pictures of the different if you guys are interested in seeing it. Took them from Wikipedia so credits goes to them ya?
The first one is the "chinese" way, notice the six and the seven. In singapore we use the gun thing... but normally we dun go tilll 8 or 9 so i not sure what it is.
Then the one below is the american one.... Hmmm not sure if the europeans are using these as well.. but it seems familiar to what my colleagues showed me.
There you have it, my director pointed third finger to me and i told him something crappy.... Once again show the power distance in denmark and singapore is totally different. Cant imagine doing it in Singapore... lol.. Can you???????
Anyway got pictures of the different if you guys are interested in seeing it. Took them from Wikipedia so credits goes to them ya?
The first one is the "chinese" way, notice the six and the seven. In singapore we use the gun thing... but normally we dun go tilll 8 or 9 so i not sure what it is.
Then the one below is the american one.... Hmmm not sure if the europeans are using these as well.. but it seems familiar to what my colleagues showed me.
