Bored + Webcam = 自恋

Muhahaha... Ahdee got really bored with studying at home for ME2151... So... haha

*hands viewers a bucket to puke into*
P.S. Though i normally dun remove anything i post.. but after all the "FEEDBACK" i receive about ppl having nightmares i mean... bad impressions of me.. better take away some.. lol


Anonymous said…
u re bored to death but here i m... hungry not again! haha
chillycraps said…
arghhh i want to play webcam also!!

*takes out webcam*...
ahdee said…
haha... CC join me in cam "gigglo-ing"
Joycie said…
Omg.. You guys infringement of copyright! I took photo with webcam first! Pay me moolah now! Muahahahaa
ahdee said…
dun like that la.. i dun have moolah... pay using other things can or not
Anonymous said…
Wei, you act cute ah? =P
ahdee said…
Wokkingmum... not cute meh.. i no need act de la.... u never see they spam my facebook there lor.. evil

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