Today celebrated two ppl's birthday. Woke up late as usual and was on my way to sch when i tot of buying a cake for elynn. Stopped by Bukit Timah plaza got 10 piece spicy drumlets then saw CHOCZ. Immediately went to get a cake and a smaller size on for the two girls. Met up with elynn they all at the evercrowded canteen, where she received a big box of little gifts inside. Apparently, ph's idea of surprising her with the comic didn't quite work. Stayed there till about 2 then i make my way to K box

<- Picture of the arts canteen's Return pt. (as i told my friends.. ppl look like they putting offerings on the floor and pray lor... Now 7th mth some more)
Got myself a membership card from Kbox. I think its a useless card most of the time but well in order to get the package i signed up for it. Cheapskate hor. Anyway this time its me ambushing in the room to surprise xiangyu with the CHOCZ cake. Kinda anti climax but well the feeling was there with the birthday song and stuff. Followed by K boxing the Skadi way(Which involves alot of high songs and alot of gay songs by me and ys. Hmm somehow he knows alot of songs and with him singing i wun feel so paiseh). He took alot of pics which i will update when he passes me tml.
Songs that i almost never fails to sing every K Box outing:
-一百万(Ya... everyone likes hearing my hokkien voice cos my normal voice suxs)
-One night in Beijing (Well i sure can reach the high high voice)
-恋爱ing(Skadi's song super high only with them)
Well.. not much songs i can sing and mostly i just sing along with ppl who chooses the song lor. Weird hearing my voice on mic so i like to sing to myself. Maybe there can be some old/deep songs which my voice can sing.
Wait for the pictures tml ba...
who ate the food!!