Riddleeee time

Xiuzi sent me this email riddle thingy... hehe i love to solve all these kind of problems..

One night, a family with four members, father, mother, son and daughter, has occurred a murder case.

One of the family member was killed by another member, the rest of two members are witness and accomplice for this murder case.
1. The accomplice and witness has different sexuality.
2. The eldest in the family and witness has different sexuality.
3. The youngest in the family and the victim has different sexuality.
4. The accomplice is older than the victim.
5. The father is the eldest in the family.
6. The killer is not the youngest in the family.

Among father, mother, son and daughter, WHO IS THE KILLER?

Hmmm i will post the answer maybe some time later when i confirmed my answer with her... lol
Hmmm or u can email me your theory... In order not to let u spoil things... i disabling comments for this post lol

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