A sign from up above
Hmmm laterly ppl can see from my nicks and everything that i feeling a bit stressed out. Thanks to all the friends who showing concern about me. Joyce ask me if anyone frustrated me recently, i tot about it and came up with someone: Myself. ya... took on too much things then i can chew... its hard to balance everything especially i have bad time management skills.
Yesterday while i was going to meet a friend, i walked past a table and saw a monkey drinking water on the table, i continue to walk thinking well its only a monkey drinking water. Then after 10 steps or more, i paused.
*thinks to myself*
Eh wait.. its a MONKEY drinking water, i turned back and stared at the monkey. Yes its a real monkey, not a figment of my imagination nor izzit a human that was too hairy. I immediately went back to take a photo of the monkey before continuing my path. Shall upload it when i reach home tonight.
Yesterday while i was going to meet a friend, i walked past a table and saw a monkey drinking water on the table, i continue to walk thinking well its only a monkey drinking water. Then after 10 steps or more, i paused.
*thinks to myself*

I think someone up there is trying to pass me a hint. "Stop monkeying around" hmmmm i scared i ended up becoming "Minghui Almighty" and then i will have to go to library to borrow "How to Stop Monkeying around For Dummies"
Well... so perhaps i should focus on those more important things and try to ask for help and also to not agree to help out for too many stuff.... Operation Stealth commence.
Well... so perhaps i should focus on those more important things and try to ask for help and also to not agree to help out for too many stuff.... Operation Stealth commence.
and I'm waiting for your monkey photo.
skali someone up there don't let u see, then the photo is blank.