Wasted Weekend

Haha... from the title you all know lor...sat was spent watching the jap drama.. then well the only meaningful thing that i did was to fix the toilet bowl flush at at 5am.. just before i sleep... power right.. i didn't know i can fix toilet bowl de flush...
P.S. Pls do not contact me if your toilet bowl flush spoil... i dun do house calls...
Roy's Submission:
Another entry requested by roy to put up.
Another Funny incident at the airport.... (ya... roy very rich la.. always fly here and there)
While he was walkin past the security post to leave the departure area at the baggage collection area: He got stopped by the customs to request scanning of their bags. This is a conversation from the custom officer and one singaporean.
Man:"Excuse me! I am singaporean leh, you sure or not?(as in sure need to scan bag or not)
Officer with the impatient "I can't believe u tink u r so big" Look: "There is no difference SIR. We treat everyone the same"
The end.
I used to tweak the big plastic ball so that i can adjust the amount of water flushing out.